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Download directx 9 runtime for windows 7 - DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer 9.29.1974: Play Your Games The Right Way, and much more programs. The Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime provides updates to 9.0c and previous versions of DirectX — the core Windows® technology that. Out the latest news.
So I've tried to install the latest DirectX stuff, but it the installer fails to work after about 2 seconds, while it still says initializing in the background. I checked out DirectX via dxdiag.exe, but everything is fine there, DirectX 11 is currently installed, which is what came with the Windows CD. I've never been able to update DirectX since I got this computer, which is running Windows 7 32-bit with Service Pack 1. I'm not sure what to do to get this to work.
Directx For Windows 10
If you need anymore specs on my computer or DirectX, just ask. I'm not entirely sure what to post for that kind of stuff. So I tried the redist installer (latest), but that failed as well. It lasts for about 10 to 15 seconds before doing the exact same thing as the web installer. I'm not sure what else could be happening to make it fail.
Though I'm wondering, maybe my graphics card is responsible? It's a Radeon X600 (it's lame) and it has the latest drivers that were just recently installed, which was after I had this problem. I found the catalyst drivers on AMD's site and they're all up to date, with no changes in the DirectX installers.
Windows 7 Runtime Update
I don't know if getting a newer graphics card would fix this issue.